I've never made a gingerbread house from scratch before, and this year I aspire to make a gingerbread My House (that is, I'm going to design a gingerbread house to look like the one I live in). Before I embark on this challenge later in the year though, last night I decided to make a more standard, smaller one to get the feel for using royal icing and structure. And since it was Halloween, I decided to make a spooky house- more specifically one with a nod to the house belonging to the wicked witch from Hansel and Gretel.
Aww, look at how cute and inviting it is! Let's go visit... |
Amazing what the right sort of lighting can do, right?
'Nibble, nibble, like a mouse, who's been nibbling at my house?' |
Today I respectfully deconstructed the house, to happily feed my family with a nice cup of tea.
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