Gingerbread Syrup For Gingerbread Latte Recipe

Homemade gingerbread syrup for gingerbread lattes is super easy to make, and tastes better than many storebought ones with an artificial tang.

I love a good gingerbread latte during the festive season – in fact I pretty much like gingerbread anything. This gingerbread syrup is perfect in coffee, and hot chocolate too.

Ready? Let's go.


125g caster sugar
125ml water
1 tsp ground ginger
1/2 tsp ground nutmeg
1 cinnamon stick
1 clove


1. Place all the ingredients in a small saucepan, bring to a boil, and boil for three minutes.

2. Take off the heat, strain through a fine sieve, and cool completely. You can store the syrup in the fridge in a sealed container for about a month (probably longer as it's sugar syrup, but better safe than sorry – use your judgement and be sensible).

3. When you're ready to use, simply add to taste to hot milk and a shot of strong coffee/espresso, or to a hot chocolate.

Enjoy, and have fun.


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