The Creamiest Scrambled Eggs Recipe | Two Ingredient Scrambled Eggs Recipe

The secret to the creamiest scrambled eggs recipe? A cold pan.

This way of making creamy scrambled eggs has been my dirty little secret for about 20 years – as long as I've been making scrambled eggs. It was a guilty pleasure, something I made when I was feeling tired, lazy or down (or all three at the same time). And when I saw the way professional chefs made scrambled eggs by contrast, my method always made me feel a little embarrassed.

Because my method involves starting with a cold pan, and adding the raw eggs and unmelted butter straight to it in one go. No preparing the pan, oiling it or preheating it or melting the butter, no adding milk – just straight up cold butter and raw beaten eggs straight in a cold pan, then switching the heat on low and cooking it slowly while stirring to get silky-fine scrambles.

The milk shame didn't stop me from making them this way for all these years, though.

Fast forward to just a couple of years ago, and I was invited to one of Eggslut's London branches to learn how they make their signature sandwich while promoting a new item on their menu on Instagram. And guess what? Their way of making creamy scrambled eggs is almost exactly the same.

Except for their method involving cracking the eggs straight into the pan and adding a few more flavouring ingredients, their tactic of cooking the eggs and butter from cold on a low heat while constantly stirring was the same as mine.

Cue a bit of long-overdue pride for my scrambles.

While my method involves an extra bowl and fork to wash up vs. Eggslut's method of not beating the eggs first and cracking them straight in, my way means you don't have to be as careful about making sure your eggs are thoroughly mixed while in the pan before they start to cook (which results in separate chunks of white and yolk). Which also means you can crank the heat up a tiny bit more so that they cook faster though.

Don't be too tempted to turn the heat up too high though, or you'll end up with dry, chunky bits in your scrambles.

I also never measure my butter when I make my signature creamiest scrambled eggs, opting to do it by eye after all these years. But I've measured it out for this recipe so you can recreate my scrambles as accurately as possible – after a few times making it, you'll get used to eyeballing how big a slice of butter to take.

You can also watch me make this on my YouTube channel, Tashcakes:

Ready? Let's go.

(Serves one.)


3 eggs
30g lightly salted butter


1. Crack the eggs into a bowl and beat until well-combined.

2. Pour the beaten eggs into a pan and add the butter.

3. On a low to medium heat (more towards the low end), slowly cook the eggs with the butter, constantly stirring.

4. Once the eggs are the consistency of a very creamy cottage cheese, serve with a big slice of toast or two. Season with salt and pepper to taste (if you like).

Enjoy, and have fun.


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